Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Our trip to Michigan

We were so excited to see my family for Spring Break. We got up early (4 a.m.) on Friday and drove to Michigan to see my sister and her family, and my parents who flew in from Utah. We had a great time and loved spending time with everyone. We got home yesterday after spending FIVE whole days together as a family!

I didn't get a lot of pictures, but here are a few.

Driving into Chicago
I would love to spend a few days here with Jez as tourists. I was able to go with my mom about 12 years ago and it was so much fun. We were VIP's on the trolley tours and got to go to the top of the Sear's Tower, to the Pier, Grant Park and Buckingham Fountain, the Art Institute of Chicago, UNO pizzeria, the Cheesecake Factory, Miracle Mile and everything else in between. We even road the L-Train at midnight.... but that is another story. :)

Cute little Julia
She was so good on the 12 hour drive.
We were surprised at how well she did.

Sweet little Josie
This is at my sister's house. It was cold, but nice for
the most part. We loved their house and all the big
trees everywhere. It is very beautiful there. We will
have to visit again in the summertime when everything
is green and leafy. :)

Our Jacie
Jacie excited to play with her cousins and see
grandma and grandpa.

Snow's Sugarbush Maple Syrup Festival

Saturday morning we ate breakfast at a farm where
they had all you can eat pancakes, french toast, waffles,
eggs, three different kinds of sausage, fresh apple cider,
It was so yummy. They had the buckets on the trees
collecting maple and they did tours of how the syrup is
made. We all had fun and were stuffed full for the day.

We also got to go to an indoor soccer game and to church with everyone. On Monday night my family watched the kids so Jez and I could go to dinner. We went to P.F. Chang's. It was really good (I normally don't eat Chinese Food). I am glad we went to try it. We will definitely be back!

My attempt at getting a picture of
the Sear's Tower at night.

Yesterday we left the hotel at 3:30 a.m. so we would miss the Chicago rush hour traffic. We made it all the way to Madison before the kids woke up and wanted breakfast. It was perfect. After breakfast we only had about 4 hours left of the drive. We were happy to be home again. :)

My Rock Star :)

Verizon has been having a "Rock Star" Contest for their sales reps. Jez was the one chosen out of his store to compete at the district level. Before we left on our trip he had to do a sales presentation at the district headquarters. We found out while we were at Trinette's that he won that round too. He will now go on to compete in the regional which I think is in Chicago. The winner of that round goes to Nashville. I am proud of him for all his hard work. I love you Jez. You Rock!